Monday, May 17, 2010


Imagine this situation…………..
You are on a date, watching a movie or a game………….when your date pops
a handful of nuts into his/her mouth………..
The next thing you know………….he/she breaks out in hives, starts
scratching everywhere, turns red and may start gasping for breaths……….

Though it may seem severe and far fetched, " ANAPHYLAXIS" may occur in
upto 15% of the population (United states data).

Simply put, its an allergy of massive proportions and may terminate fatally.

In non scientific terms, the body's immune system becomes over
protective and identifies a potentially harmless substance like a
peanut as a dangerous invader. The IgE immunoglobulin, a component of
the immune system, activated by the offending nut; attaches to
certain cells in our body. This releases chemicals like histamine.

Once this happens the effects are seen. It so happens that these
special cells (mast cells) are highest in number in the skin, in the
intestinal and respiratory linings……….hence the skin turns red and
swollen, hives appear, diarrhea starts, wheezing, breathing
difficulties set in.
In its most severe form, the blood pressure drops, leading to shock
and if untreated, death.

Virtually anything; but food allergies to nuts( peanuts, walnuts),
sea food, milk, eggs, soy are the commonest. Others include bee
stings, antibiotics ( penicillins), agents used for anesthesia etc.

You recognize this condition by its rapidity, typical features and
common history of eating any of the foods mentioned above or following
a bee sting.

Since this is an emergency, medical care is a must. However, removal
of the allergen, basic cpr measures, laying the person flat are some
of the intelligent measures one could do.

Administering adrenaline terminates the episode…and in fact people
prone for anaphylaxis could be taught to administer this drug.

Education is of utmost value………and do remember, prevention is better
than cure…….so its always better not to yield to temptation and regret
later……………….( if you are allergic to certain foods that is!! )


Thursday, April 22, 2010


NEW HUMAN MALARIA SPECIES-Scientists investigating ovale malaria,a form of the disease thought to be caused by a single species of parasite,have confirmed that the parasite is actually two similar but distinct species which do not reproduce with fai other.


GENE THAT REGULATES HAIR GROWTH IDENTIFIED-Researchers have now discovered that activation of the gene Lhx2 leads to more hair growth.The gene is more active in the growing hair follicles and absent in the non growing hair.

Top five dishes that can keep you healthy!!!

Food for heath:- Here are the top five dishes that can keep you healthy so you live to see another day! 1. Cooked fish: Surprised? The 'omega 3 fattyacids', which it has in plenty, will clean up ur system of harmful fats. You can say byebye to heartattack and stroke. But dont even think about frying it! 2. Green leafy veg: Sacred of cancer? Then u'l have to eat ur veg. Their antioxidants will protect u against most of the cancers. Not to mention the precious vitamins and fibers they have in plenty. 3. Wheat: The king of cereals. Good source of energy, protein and fibers. Keeps you sharp and fit at the same time. 4. Fruits: Are you overweight?Then you need an apple a day!Low on calories but rich in vitamins and minerals.Best to have it along with breakfast.
5.Oats:You or your parents diabetic?Then start on oat meals.It fills your tummy without elevating your blood sugar.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


NEW ALTERNATIVE FOR OPEN HEART SURGERY-interventional cardiologists have developed a new method to treat patients having defective heart valve.Earlier an open heart surgery was needed to relieve valvular defects.The latest development is the introduction of MITRAL VALVE CLIP.It is introduced into the femoral artery through the groin along with a catheter.Then it is guided into the heart chamber.Clip effectively tightens the valve so that regurgitation is prevented.This novel technique is under trails in various hospitals across the globe.
Read more about  TETRALOGY OF FALLOT-A congenital heart disorder.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Test tube babies face increased health hazards

The intention of test tube technology was a break through invention in the field of infertility therapy.This technique was introduced in the early 1978s and more than 3 million births have taken place with the aid of this reproductive technique.
But ongoing research in the health of these children points towards the increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2,obesity,hypertension.
Research done on the children born with the aid of assisted reproductive technology give clues that chromosomal modifications namely DNA methylation show variations in those children when compared to the children born naturally.
The underlining cause for the abnormality in methylation is not yet ascertained.Further researches are on pending.

Breast cancer treatment latest breakthrough

Breast cancer is one of the major hazards that haunts the human race.Various treatment strategies have been implied towards that cause.
Tamoxifen is one of the most depended drugs that is used to treat women to prevent cancer returning.In a third of patients,tamoxifen fails in its action.Latest researches have picked out a gene FGFR1 responsible for this condition.Scientists are on their way developing a new drug which willturn off this gene FGFR1.
This novel invention will enable clinicians to treat breast cancer in a new dimension effectively in the future.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Music heals stroke

'Music heals stroke!' sounds interesting rite?Anyway this is true.Affects of music on stroke patients is getting worldwide attention.
The patients who suffers from stroke may be unable to produce meaningful words if their vocal centre is damaged.If these patients are trained to sing,it is found helping them to form a conversation by assigning a simple melody to each letter in the word.The reason behind this is,the centre concerned with singing is located in a different area of the brain.So if the patient's speech area is destroyed,his singing area will be intact.
This finding is an example of how research has made a leap in the welfare of human race.
Medical practitioners are enthusiastic to the new finding and let us hope it will open up new horizons in the treatment of stroke..

Nap boosts brain power

Recently a team of researchers from Berkley university have come up with an interesting finding,from the studies conducted in 39 healthy volunteers that a short nap during day time not only beats tiredness but also boosts the learning power of the brain.This is rather an interesting finding.
According to the researchers,during a short nap the brain moves the fact based memories from the temporary storage in the brain's hippocampus to prefrontal cortex.This process occurs during a transition phase between deep sleep and dreaming sleep.This phase is scientifically called as stage 2 non rapid eye movement sleep.
This process makes the hippocampus afresh to accomodate new information just as like in an email inbox.
But the finding has got its own drawbacks too.It was a trail conducted in a laboratory under optimal conditions.In the real world there will be numerous factors which will hamper the expected results.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Latest breakthrough in cancer treatment

A team of scientists from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore have developed a new technique for detecting the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

The latest technique is called as personalised analysis of rearranged ends which employs blood tests.
The principal behind the test is the detection of fingerprint DNA which are shed by the tumour cells.If these cells are derected after a successful chemotherapy,surgical removal,radiotherapy,it indicates the recurrence of cancer.This tecnique can be employed to detect the recurrence much before the conventional scans.
The major drawback is the high cost which will hopefully come down affordable to a common man
This tecnique is likely to emerge as a new technique within 5 years.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wonderland in saliva

Recently a team of researchers discovered that there are a wide variety of bacteriae residing in our saliva.They found 101 known bacterial genera,36 of them newly seen in mouth and about 64 novel types.People in each location shared about 60% of the bacteriae in common and people from different places shared about 50% of bacteriae in common.

Pericardial tamponade

Fluid or blood gets collected in the pericardial sac.This condition effects the normal functioning of the heart.
The patient complains of breathlessness,chest pain,syncope.
The signs of pericardial tamponade are pulsus paradoxus,raised JVP on inspiration,third heart sounds.
The investigation done are ecg,echocardiography.ECG may show changing cardiac axis,flattening of waves.
The treatment is mainly aimed at clearing the fluid collection.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


It is a congenital disorder.It occurs as a result of developmental anomaly.The heart wont be able to function normally due to lack of it’s proper functional structures.

Tetralogy of FALLOT is characterized by obstruction to the right ventricular outflow,hypertrophy of right ventricle,ventricular septal defect and dextroposition of aorta with septal override.


It depends on the degree to which right ventricle is obstructed,time of onset of symptoms and degree of cyanosis.Cyanosis(bluish colour on lips,oral cavity,face) may be present or absent at birth.It precipitates usually by one year.The other clinical manifestations are clubbing,dyspnea(difficulty to breath)on exertion,squatting at times of attack.Cyanotic attacks precipitate as the child becomes active in his later stages of life and lasts for minutes to hours.The growth of the child will be delayed.The associated symptoms are convulsions,restlessness,hyperpenic,gasping respiration,hypoxia and acidosis.It lasts for minutes to hours.

On examination the heart beat will be normal.On x ray examination a concavity can be seen on the left heart border and elevation of heart border.

Major Complications are:-

Cyanotic spells,cerebral thrombosis,brain abcess,infection of the heart wall with bacteria,Congestive cardiac failure.


Treatment is done by a systematic approach.Severe obstruction to the outflow of right ventricle is treated to increase pulmonary blood flow by keeping pulmonary duct by administration of PGE1 and this is a temporary measure till surgery.In less severe cases,medical management is by prevention and prompt treatment of dehydration.oral propanolol administration.

CYANOTIC SPELL is managed by eeiping the patient in a knee-chest positon,administering oxygen and glucose,morphine .2mg/kg,propanolol I.V 0.1mg/kg,correction of acidosis.

Complications like brain absess is treated by administration of antibiotics for 6 weeks,polycytemia by adequate hydration,phlebotomy and volume replacement,bacterial endocarditis by administration of antibiotics for 6 weeks.


1.PALLIATIVE PROCEDURE:-decrease hypoxia,improves growth,augments pulmonary artery growth and increae pulmonary artery blood flow.

2.CORRECTIVE SURGERY:-Often aimed at curing.The patient can lead a near normal life.It is performed in early infancy.