Monday, January 16, 2012

Chest pain:discussion starts

So from this week,discussion about chest pain starts.

I will be scribbling down my first hand experiences and everything I know about chest pain.

so keep updated.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An idea,which I feel worthy

I'm thinking of updating this blog in this fashion.

Each month will be dedicated to a single disease condition.
Accordingly,this month is dedicated to various common heart diseases.

I will try to discuss with you about my clinical experiences and some tips to keep your heart in good health.

So keep in touch and be updated.

Just very basic,common scenarios will be discussed so that it will be comprehensible by even a primary school child.

So that's it.
Hold on.

After more than one year

I couldn't keep up with updating this blog and help you all due to lots of personal matters.

I was burying my head into all those matters like an ostrich. ;)

Now from today I'm starting to update this blog regularly with quality content.

So keep in touch everyone.

Hope I won't be disappointing you all.

Take care.